University Admissions and studying abroad
If there is one single goal of high-school education for a student, it should be to make a leap from 12 years of school education to the right colleges and universities for professional education, which sets the base for a student’s future life and career. We pay equal attention to this critical component of student’s life with in-house guidance and placement counselors which are available to help students in applying and securing admissions to national and international universities.
A common and big misconception regarding studying abroad is that students think that they either need exceptional academic achievements or bank-breaking financial commitment to study in an international university. This is so not true. Synergy is partnered with educational consultancy firms which have multiple decade’s worth of experience in counselling students for getting admissions into foreign universities across the globe in accordance with the student’s academic and financial background.
Indus Pak Advisors:
Synergy is proudly partnered with Indus Pak Advisors (IPA) to serve as their official representatives in Faisalabad. IPA has almost 3 decades worth of experience in counselling students to purse education abroad.
IPA’s expert advisors provide you with a personalized pathway to securing admission to an international university which is customized to suit your strengths and budget. After establishing itself as reputable counselling agency in Karachi and Lahore, IPA is now extending its services to students in Faisalabad through Synergy.
IPA’s standing with international universities and signed memorandums of understandings, ensure admission to selected universities and even get you scholarships, based on availability.
Kindly visit http://www.induspak.org/or schedule an appointment at our office at Synergy.
HK Consultancy Malaysia:
Synergy is also officially partnered with HK Consultancy Malaysia for counselling and placement of students to Malaysian Universities.
Malaysia offers unparalleled opportunities of higher education to students who have completed O or A level and Matriculation or Intermediate. Apart from having a large number of high-end and well-resourced regional universities, Malaysia is also a host to international campuses of European and American universities which offer the same excellence of education in a fraction of the cost.
HK Consultancy is sanctioned by Malaysian embassy for promoting education in Malaysia, therefore, through the partnership with Synergy, students in Faisalabad can get fast-tracked admissions, guaranteed visas and a chance to avail scholarships on first come first served basis. Visit our office or email us at info@synergypk.org and schedule an appointment with one of our counsellor for further details.